It was otherwise unremarkable in preparation, and yes, once more, no leftovers.
I really have to try harder. Maybe if I make a veggie cholent of just hot peppers....
| Optional ingredients:
- On the morning before you plan to make the cholent, rinse the beans, barley and lentils well and soak them in hot water.
- In the afternoon, fry the onions in oil in the cholent pot.
- Peel potatoes (if using medium potatoes) and place in pot together with all ingredients except for eggs and dumpling.
- Fill pot with water, cover and bring to boil.
- Lower flame and simmer for one and a half hours.
- Hard-boil eggs in another pot.
- Prepare the dumpling:
- Fry onion in margarine with honey.
- Add bread and stir until brown, remove from flame.
- Add eggs, then flour, salt and pepper.
- The batter should be relatively stiff. If too thin, add a bit more flour.
- Spread cloth napkin or one-quarter of a cloth diaper on work surface.
- Pour batter into it and tie ends together.
- Place bundle in the cholent pot.
- Add eggs.
- Place pot in oven, preferably on middle rack (or lower, depending on height of pot) - but not on floor of oven.
- Adjust temperature to 110° C / 250° F and leave in oven for 14 hours at least